Post by DanteMGalileo on Sept 16, 2020 20:16:37 GMT -5
Well, let's be honest. We have a lot of new blood and most of the old guard is gone. I am a relic of a forgotten era.
Feel free to make your own post. Use hex code #0f0f0f for anything you deem spoiler-worthy.
Tropes that apply to DanteMGalileo's characters
Percy Morgan Worcester-Isaac
* Ambiguously Human: He has pointed ears not displayed by any other character, diamond-shaped pupils, no pulse, and randomly turns into a Protostar Beast after exposure to a strange meteor.
* Casting A Shadow: Thanks to Imago's influence. Notably, when Imago is in control or when Percy gets removed, they can't use light magic at all. He loses this ability on Genesis when Imago is removed.
* Color-Coded Characters: Grey, although only in text. His main outfit is mostly red and orange with purple accents.
* Does Not Like Shoes: Goes barefoot nearly everywhere. He will, however, wear footwear if he needs to.
* Good With Numbers: Despite being illiterate, he's good at math, to the point of being able to convert from metric to imperial units in his head.
* Keet: Downplayed. He's quite energetic, but not to the point of hyperactivity.
* Light 'Em Up: His natural element.
* Messy Hair: It seems supernaturally adverse to being neat.
* Never Learned to Read: It's normally not an issue as Imago reads things to him, though.
* Red Oni: To Will's Blue.
* Stock Shōnen Hero: Energetic, somewhat lacking in brains, and very firmly on the side of good.
* Used to be a Sweet Kid: Inverted. He was implied to have been a Creepy Child when he was younger, but he's merely eccentric as a teenager.
Will, Jordan, and Leanne as a whole
* Accents Aren't Hereditary: Will's dialogue implies some form of British accent that Jordan and Leanne don't have. Justified, as he's adopted.
* Animal Motif: While their surname can mean "lion," none of them have a real lion motif, beyond perhaps Will and Jordan's long blond hair resembling a mane.
** Will has a wolf motif.
** Jordan has a mild rat motif, although he avoids the usual associations.
** Leanne has a slight cat motif.
* Big, Thin, Short Trio: Jordan is big, Will is thin (despite being taller than Jordan), Leanne is short.
* Chromatic Arrangement: Will is blue, Jordan is green, Leanne is red.
* Dark And Troubled Past: It's heavily implied that their backstory is not a pleasant one.
* Family Relationship Switcheroo: They claim to be full siblings. In reality, Jordan and Leanne are half-siblings with the same mother, and Will was adopted.
* Fighter, Mage, Thief:
** Will is the Fighter, favouring brute strength with his sword and fists in combat, while also being the most durable.
** Leanne is the Mage, specializing in blasting things with spells.
** Jordan is the Thief, compensating for his lack of raw power with stealth, a variety of knives, and acrobatic skills.
* Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Will is Nice, Jordan is Mean (in the "Jerk With a Heart of Gold" way), Leanne is In-Between.
* Speed, Smarts, and Strength: Jordan is Speed, Leanne is Smarts, and Will is Strength.
William "Will" Siegfried Lowe
* Big Eater: He likes food a bit too much.
* Blind Without 'Em: He's farsighted and needs glasses to see properly.
* Blue Oni: To Percy's Red.
* Cigarette of Anxiety: He's revealed to smoke, but only when under stress.
* Color-Coded Characters: Blue. It occasionally turns a slightly darker shade.
* Dark-Skinned Blond: Downplayed. His skin tone is slightly darker than his siblings or Percy, but still not as dark as Flint of Seeker, and he has dirty blonde hair.
* A Day in the Limelight: In the Innerdimensional storyline, he's one of the main characters.
* Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: He's mostly the Responsible to Jordan's Foolish, although they can flip roles depending on the context.
* Happily Adopted: He's revealed to be this to Jordan and Leanne.
* Finger Snap Lighter: Basically the extent of his pyrokinetic powers.
* Nice Guy: Is generally polite and friendly, if dorky.
* Occult Blue Eyes: Has blue irises with a brown ring around the pupil, and is hinted to have dubious origins.
* Promoted to Parent: When their father walked out, Will was basically stuck with raising Jordan and Leanne by himself.
* Super Strength: Will possesses a great deal of physical strength.
* Younger Than They Look: Despite his slightly-greying hair, premature crow's feet, height, and build, Will is in fact only 19 years old.
Leon Jordan Lowe
* Big Brother Instinct: While he does tease her, he's quite protective of Leanne.
* Color-Coded Characters: Grey-green text, and is associated with green in general.
* Cool Big Bro: To Leanne.
* Deadpan Snarker: By far the most readily sarcastic of his siblings.
* Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: He's mostly the Foolish to Will's Responsible, although they can flip roles depending on the context.
* Incompatible Orientation: He's in love with Lobo, who is asexual.
* Middle Child Syndrome: Actually averted. He doesn't mind being the middle child, as it means he has more leeway.
* Middle Name Basis: He's almost never referred to as Leon.
* Only Sane Man: Comes with the territory of hanging around a bunch of borderline insane people.
* Sir Swears-a-Lot: Has one of the foulest mouths among the cast.
* Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: He's an assassin, smokes, and engages in prostitution. Downplayed as he started most of it when he was a teenager, though.
* The Twink: Has soft facial features and long blonde hair, and is exclusively into men. His stockier build is a subversion though.
Leanne Gitta Lowe
* Brilliant, But Lazy: Lark, who is a powerful mage, says that Leanne has a lot of potential. The problem is that Leanne hates studying and practicing.
* Child Mage: She's fourteen and already quite a powerful mage.
* Color-Coded Characters: Cherry blossom pink text, but wears mostly red clothes.
* Elemental Eye Colors: Red eyes and fire powers.
* Hair Color Dissonance: Her hair is strawberry blonde, but drawn as pink.
* Hearing Voices: Has started to hear Konrul's voice in her head.
* Outnumbered Sibling: Of the three Lowe siblings, she's the only girl.
* Playing With Fire: Her main element.
* Squishy Wizard: She packs quite a punch with magic, but tires easily and isn't exactly a fast mover.
* Town Girls: The Neither to Val's Femme and Obsidian's Butch.
* Unskilled, But Strong: See "Brilliant, But Lazy." Leanne packs a ton of literal and figurative firepower, but her disdain for studying and hard work leaves her with just raw power.
Loba, Lobo, and Liderc as a whole
* Alliterative Family: Loba, Lobo, and Liderc. Subverted because Loba and Lobo's names aren't their real ones, and Liderc is implied to be using a fake name as well.
* Fighter, Mage, Thief:
** Lobo is the Fighter, possessing the highest physical strength, but also is the one least likely to rely on magical ability as well as being the slowest and the only one able to fly.
** Loba is the Mage, having the best control over her magic, but also being the physically weakest.
** Liderc is the Thief, being the fastest and the most pragmatic in a fight
* Fire, Water, Wind: Liderc, Loba, and Lobo, respectively.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: Lobo, Loba, and Liderc, respectively.
* Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Loba is Nice, Liderc is Mean, and Lobo is In-Between.
Lobazotah "Loba" Tethys aka Fenella Suijin
* Angsty Surviving Twin: On Nemesis, she outlives Lobo.
* Blue Oni: To Lobo's Red.
* Color-Coded Characters: Pink.
* Empathetic Environment: When she learns that Lobo died, it starts to rain. When she briefly slips into anger and nearly kills Mic in rage, it hails until she calms down.
* Hair Color Dissonance: Her hair is black, but coloured as a dark indigo for better visibility.
* Heroic Neutral: On Nemesis. She doesn't care about being a hero and is purely interested in avenging Lobo.
* An Ice Person: It's a subtype of water.
* Lady of War: She was a "war singer" in the past, and while she's more interested in singing for fun today, she won't hesitate to bust out the moves if needed. Her combat style is also elegant and focused on finesse.
* Making A Splash: She's a Nerosi, and thus has water powers.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: The Feminine to Lobo's Masculine and Liderc's Androgyne.
* Painting the Medium: She has a quiet voice when not singing, and her text is always a few sizes smaller than the other characters.
* That Man is Dead: In regards to her old identity as Fenella.
* Water Is Blue: While her water magic is blue, Loba herself is an aversion, being more associated with pink.
Lobozotoh "Lobo" Njord aka Sampati Fujin
* Blood Knight: He loves to fight. But not for conquest.
* Blow You Away: He's an Anemo, and thus has wind powers.
* Celibate Hero: He's aromantic and asexual.
* Color-Coded Characters: Green.
* Cool Mask: Has a white and red wolf half-mask on the side of his head, although he doesn't actually wear it.
* Dye Hard: The green parts of his hair aren't natural.
* Hair Colour Dissonance: His hair is mostly black, but is coloured dark purple for visibility.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: The Masculine to Loba's Feminine and Liderc's Androgyne.
* Mr. Vice Guy: He likes money a bit much, but is fundamentally good at heart.
* No Indoor Voice: What passes for whispering with him is what most people would consider normal speaking volume, for one.
* Samurai Ponytail: His hairstyle, although he's neither noble nor a samurai. But as Sampati, he was a Warrior Prince.
* Sarcasm-Blind: Despite making sarcastic comments himself.
* Wind is Green: Green eyes, partially-green hair, green text, and green accents on his clothing, and he's wind elemental.
Keruv Liderc Shamash Serapis
* Beauty is Bad: He's very pretty, but ranges from being a simple Jerkass to a full-on villain.
* Closet Geek: Is a fan of Battleaxe 80k and Cells & Cerebusi. Not that he'd like it to be public knowledge.
* Color-Coded Characters: Despite his obvious green motif, his text is cobalt.
* Determinator: The guy doesn't know when to quit.
* Evil Brit: His speech implies he has some form of British accent, and he's not exactly pleasant.
* Evil Virtues: Camaraderie (with his troops), Diligence, Nationalism, Resourcefulness, Vigilance, and especially Determination.
* Freudian Excuse is No Excuse: He's implied to have a Dark And Troubled Past, which in no way excuses his actions on Nemesis. Notably, he also believes this trope.
* Hair-Trigger Temper: It does not take a ton of effort to piss him off.
* Long-Haired Pretty Boy: He has long hair alongside soft facial features.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: The Androgyne to Lobo's Masculine and Lobo's Feminine.
* Peek-a-Bangs: Liderc's hair covers half his face, more specifically the acid burns. He also fits the loner and deceptive aspects of this hairstyle.
* Platonic Life Partners: With Sophi, being one of the few people he's not constantly hostile to.
* Playing With Fire: As a Fotias, he has fire powers.
* The Proud Elite: By virtue of being a Long-Haired Pretty Boy and a noble.
* Punch-Clock Villain: In the Innerdimensional storyline, he really doesn't care about LunArc or Cora's plans, and instead works with them in exchange for ship repairs.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has red eyes and is either a villain or a very unpleasant piece of work.
* Technicolor Fire: Green flames, which is unusual in-universe.
Valione "Val"
* Angsty Surviving Twin: On Nemesis, she's currently still alive while Flint is dead.
* Berserk Button:
** Does not like being called "Valione."
** Vutezoth's existence, after he killed her brother.
* Bottomless Magazines: She doesn't need to reload her gun. Justified, as it's a magical weapon and doesn't use conventional ammo.
* Bust-Contrast Duo: The slender to Obsidian's busty.
* Cane Fu: Her gun is disguised as a cane with a dragon's head.
* Cold Sniper: Her usual characterization.
* Color-Coded Characters: Dark blue.
* Contralto of Danger: Her voice is quite deep, according to her writer.
* Cool Big Sis: Leanne thinks so.
* Dark-Skinned Blonde: Similar to Will.
* Dragon Ancestry: She's half-dragon pelt.
* Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Her armour is mostly purple.
* Half-Human Hybrid: She's the daughter of a male human and a female dragon pelt, although she clearly identifies more with her human half and can't transform.
* Lethal Chef: Can't cook anything more complicated than soup to save her life.
* Not So Stoic: While she's normally not very emotional, when Flint dies, she flips out and can't stop crying during his funeral.
* Of Corsets Sexy: Her default outfit has her wear what essentially amounts to an armoured corset.
* Only One Name: Downplayed. While she does have a last name, it's being withheld.
* Town Girls: The Femme to Leanne's Neither and Obsidian's Butch.
* Breath Weapon: Ice breath, to be exact.
* Color-Coded Characters: Dark purple.
* Hair Color Dissonance: His hair is supposed to be (mostly) dark brown, but is coloured a dull, dark purple.
* Half-Human Hybrid: He's half-human, although he identifies far more with his dragon half.
* An Ice Person: As mentioned above, he can breathe ice.
* Multicolored Hair: Mostly dark brown, with off-white tips.
* Nice Guy: His overall characterization at the end of the day.
* Only One Name: Downplayed.
* Our Dragons Are Different: He's a shapeshifter that can turn into a wyvern comparable in size to an elephant.
** Our Wyverns Are Different: He's still fully intelligent when he transforms, has no poison abilities, and breathes ice. This is typical of winter dragons.
* Supreme Chef: He's a good cook.
* To Serve Man: Flint has no issues with eating humans he doesn't like.
* Weredragon: As mentioned, he can transform into a dragon.
* Bust-Contrast Duo: The busty to Val's slender.
* Boobs of Steel: Has the largest bust of the Starless Skies cast, and is a physically powerful fighter.
* Color-Coded Characters: While she has an obvious white/red theme, her text is hot pink.
* Cunning Like A Fox: Obsidian is quite intelligent and cunning, despite her usual attitude.
* Foxy Vixen: She's quite attractive, and a fox lady on top of it all.
* Kitsune: She superficially resembles one when transformed, although she has no magical abilities.
* Literal Maneater: She eats humans, usually lulling them in.
* Magically Inept Fighter: Great physical strength and speed, and quite agile... but not a single ounce of magical skill.
* Multicolored Hair: Mostly white, with red around the tips and ends.
* Ms. Fanservice: She's quite attractive, and her clothing reveals her figure quite well.
* Obfuscating Stupidity: Pretends to be a hyperactive dumbass. Is quite the opposite of that. She rarely drops at least a bit of silliness at all times though.
* Outdoorsy Girl: Prefers to be outside. Justified, as she's a pelt.
* Town Girls: The Butch to Leanne's Neither and Val's Femme.
* Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She's afraid of fire.
Lark Mercury
* Eccentric Mentor: He's got a few screws loose, but he's still Leanne's teacher.
* Hermit Guru: Lives atop Mount Tsereve.
* The Mad Hatter: Isn't exactly what you'd call "sane," but aware of it and loving every moment.
* Mystical White Hair: This powerful mage has stark white hair.
* Purple is Powerful: His outfit is mostly purple, and he's by far the most powerful mage in the series.
* Star-Spangled Spandex: His cloak.
Tropes that apply to DanteMGalileo's writings
*Alien Invasion: The start of Nemesis has Paradiso invade Nexus.
*Alternative Calendar: The world of Purgatorio has a different calendar, as it starts on the equivalent of March 20.
*Blessed With Suck: Hemobonds, in a nutshell. Sure, you get a good deal of power, and the powers even pass down to your kids. The problem is that your lifespan is drastically cut. Which is also based down to your descendants. Whoops.
Tropes that apply to DanteMGalileo himself
*Sir Swears-a-Lot: Holy fucking shit.
* Word of Gay:
** Percy and Flint are bisexual.
** Will is demisexual.
** Leanne, Loba, and Lobo are asexual. Loba is additionally panromantic, while Lobo is additionally aromantic.
** Liderc and Obsidian are pansexual. Liderc is additionally aromantic.
** Val is polysexual.
Feel free to make your own post. Use hex code #0f0f0f for anything you deem spoiler-worthy.
Tropes that apply to DanteMGalileo's characters
Percy Morgan Worcester-Isaac
* Ambiguously Human: He has pointed ears not displayed by any other character, diamond-shaped pupils, no pulse, and randomly turns into a Protostar Beast after exposure to a strange meteor.
* Casting A Shadow: Thanks to Imago's influence. Notably, when Imago is in control or when Percy gets removed, they can't use light magic at all. He loses this ability on Genesis when Imago is removed.
* Color-Coded Characters: Grey, although only in text. His main outfit is mostly red and orange with purple accents.
* Does Not Like Shoes: Goes barefoot nearly everywhere. He will, however, wear footwear if he needs to.
* Good With Numbers: Despite being illiterate, he's good at math, to the point of being able to convert from metric to imperial units in his head.
* Keet: Downplayed. He's quite energetic, but not to the point of hyperactivity.
* Light 'Em Up: His natural element.
* Messy Hair: It seems supernaturally adverse to being neat.
* Never Learned to Read: It's normally not an issue as Imago reads things to him, though.
* Red Oni: To Will's Blue.
* Stock Shōnen Hero: Energetic, somewhat lacking in brains, and very firmly on the side of good.
* Used to be a Sweet Kid: Inverted. He was implied to have been a Creepy Child when he was younger, but he's merely eccentric as a teenager.
Will, Jordan, and Leanne as a whole
* Accents Aren't Hereditary: Will's dialogue implies some form of British accent that Jordan and Leanne don't have. Justified, as he's adopted.
* Animal Motif: While their surname can mean "lion," none of them have a real lion motif, beyond perhaps Will and Jordan's long blond hair resembling a mane.
** Will has a wolf motif.
** Jordan has a mild rat motif, although he avoids the usual associations.
** Leanne has a slight cat motif.
* Big, Thin, Short Trio: Jordan is big, Will is thin (despite being taller than Jordan), Leanne is short.
* Chromatic Arrangement: Will is blue, Jordan is green, Leanne is red.
* Dark And Troubled Past: It's heavily implied that their backstory is not a pleasant one.
* Family Relationship Switcheroo: They claim to be full siblings. In reality, Jordan and Leanne are half-siblings with the same mother, and Will was adopted.
* Fighter, Mage, Thief:
** Will is the Fighter, favouring brute strength with his sword and fists in combat, while also being the most durable.
** Leanne is the Mage, specializing in blasting things with spells.
** Jordan is the Thief, compensating for his lack of raw power with stealth, a variety of knives, and acrobatic skills.
* Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Will is Nice, Jordan is Mean (in the "Jerk With a Heart of Gold" way), Leanne is In-Between.
* Speed, Smarts, and Strength: Jordan is Speed, Leanne is Smarts, and Will is Strength.
William "Will" Siegfried Lowe
* Big Eater: He likes food a bit too much.
* Blind Without 'Em: He's farsighted and needs glasses to see properly.
* Blue Oni: To Percy's Red.
* Cigarette of Anxiety: He's revealed to smoke, but only when under stress.
* Color-Coded Characters: Blue. It occasionally turns a slightly darker shade.
* Dark-Skinned Blond: Downplayed. His skin tone is slightly darker than his siblings or Percy, but still not as dark as Flint of Seeker, and he has dirty blonde hair.
* A Day in the Limelight: In the Innerdimensional storyline, he's one of the main characters.
* Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: He's mostly the Responsible to Jordan's Foolish, although they can flip roles depending on the context.
* Happily Adopted: He's revealed to be this to Jordan and Leanne.
* Finger Snap Lighter: Basically the extent of his pyrokinetic powers.
* Nice Guy: Is generally polite and friendly, if dorky.
* Occult Blue Eyes: Has blue irises with a brown ring around the pupil, and is hinted to have dubious origins.
* Promoted to Parent: When their father walked out, Will was basically stuck with raising Jordan and Leanne by himself.
* Super Strength: Will possesses a great deal of physical strength.
* Younger Than They Look: Despite his slightly-greying hair, premature crow's feet, height, and build, Will is in fact only 19 years old.
Leon Jordan Lowe
* Big Brother Instinct: While he does tease her, he's quite protective of Leanne.
* Color-Coded Characters: Grey-green text, and is associated with green in general.
* Cool Big Bro: To Leanne.
* Deadpan Snarker: By far the most readily sarcastic of his siblings.
* Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: He's mostly the Foolish to Will's Responsible, although they can flip roles depending on the context.
* Incompatible Orientation: He's in love with Lobo, who is asexual.
* Middle Child Syndrome: Actually averted. He doesn't mind being the middle child, as it means he has more leeway.
* Middle Name Basis: He's almost never referred to as Leon.
* Only Sane Man: Comes with the territory of hanging around a bunch of borderline insane people.
* Sir Swears-a-Lot: Has one of the foulest mouths among the cast.
* Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: He's an assassin, smokes, and engages in prostitution. Downplayed as he started most of it when he was a teenager, though.
* The Twink: Has soft facial features and long blonde hair, and is exclusively into men. His stockier build is a subversion though.
Leanne Gitta Lowe
* Brilliant, But Lazy: Lark, who is a powerful mage, says that Leanne has a lot of potential. The problem is that Leanne hates studying and practicing.
* Child Mage: She's fourteen and already quite a powerful mage.
* Color-Coded Characters: Cherry blossom pink text, but wears mostly red clothes.
* Elemental Eye Colors: Red eyes and fire powers.
* Hair Color Dissonance: Her hair is strawberry blonde, but drawn as pink.
* Hearing Voices: Has started to hear Konrul's voice in her head.
* Outnumbered Sibling: Of the three Lowe siblings, she's the only girl.
* Playing With Fire: Her main element.
* Squishy Wizard: She packs quite a punch with magic, but tires easily and isn't exactly a fast mover.
* Town Girls: The Neither to Val's Femme and Obsidian's Butch.
* Unskilled, But Strong: See "Brilliant, But Lazy." Leanne packs a ton of literal and figurative firepower, but her disdain for studying and hard work leaves her with just raw power.
Loba, Lobo, and Liderc as a whole
* Alliterative Family: Loba, Lobo, and Liderc. Subverted because Loba and Lobo's names aren't their real ones, and Liderc is implied to be using a fake name as well.
* Fighter, Mage, Thief:
** Lobo is the Fighter, possessing the highest physical strength, but also is the one least likely to rely on magical ability as well as being the slowest and the only one able to fly.
** Loba is the Mage, having the best control over her magic, but also being the physically weakest.
** Liderc is the Thief, being the fastest and the most pragmatic in a fight
* Fire, Water, Wind: Liderc, Loba, and Lobo, respectively.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: Lobo, Loba, and Liderc, respectively.
* Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Loba is Nice, Liderc is Mean, and Lobo is In-Between.
Lobazotah "Loba" Tethys aka Fenella Suijin
* Angsty Surviving Twin: On Nemesis, she outlives Lobo.
* Blue Oni: To Lobo's Red.
* Color-Coded Characters: Pink.
* Empathetic Environment: When she learns that Lobo died, it starts to rain. When she briefly slips into anger and nearly kills Mic in rage, it hails until she calms down.
* Hair Color Dissonance: Her hair is black, but coloured as a dark indigo for better visibility.
* Heroic Neutral: On Nemesis. She doesn't care about being a hero and is purely interested in avenging Lobo.
* An Ice Person: It's a subtype of water.
* Lady of War: She was a "war singer" in the past, and while she's more interested in singing for fun today, she won't hesitate to bust out the moves if needed. Her combat style is also elegant and focused on finesse.
* Making A Splash: She's a Nerosi, and thus has water powers.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: The Feminine to Lobo's Masculine and Liderc's Androgyne.
* Painting the Medium: She has a quiet voice when not singing, and her text is always a few sizes smaller than the other characters.
* That Man is Dead: In regards to her old identity as Fenella.
* Water Is Blue: While her water magic is blue, Loba herself is an aversion, being more associated with pink.
Lobozotoh "Lobo" Njord aka Sampati Fujin
* Blood Knight: He loves to fight. But not for conquest.
* Blow You Away: He's an Anemo, and thus has wind powers.
* Celibate Hero: He's aromantic and asexual.
* Color-Coded Characters: Green.
* Cool Mask: Has a white and red wolf half-mask on the side of his head, although he doesn't actually wear it.
* Dye Hard: The green parts of his hair aren't natural.
* Hair Colour Dissonance: His hair is mostly black, but is coloured dark purple for visibility.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: The Masculine to Loba's Feminine and Liderc's Androgyne.
* Mr. Vice Guy: He likes money a bit much, but is fundamentally good at heart.
* No Indoor Voice: What passes for whispering with him is what most people would consider normal speaking volume, for one.
* Samurai Ponytail: His hairstyle, although he's neither noble nor a samurai. But as Sampati, he was a Warrior Prince.
* Sarcasm-Blind: Despite making sarcastic comments himself.
* Wind is Green: Green eyes, partially-green hair, green text, and green accents on his clothing, and he's wind elemental.
Keruv Liderc Shamash Serapis
* Beauty is Bad: He's very pretty, but ranges from being a simple Jerkass to a full-on villain.
* Closet Geek: Is a fan of Battleaxe 80k and Cells & Cerebusi. Not that he'd like it to be public knowledge.
* Color-Coded Characters: Despite his obvious green motif, his text is cobalt.
* Determinator: The guy doesn't know when to quit.
* Evil Brit: His speech implies he has some form of British accent, and he's not exactly pleasant.
* Evil Virtues: Camaraderie (with his troops), Diligence, Nationalism, Resourcefulness, Vigilance, and especially Determination.
* Freudian Excuse is No Excuse: He's implied to have a Dark And Troubled Past, which in no way excuses his actions on Nemesis. Notably, he also believes this trope.
* Hair-Trigger Temper: It does not take a ton of effort to piss him off.
* Long-Haired Pretty Boy: He has long hair alongside soft facial features.
* Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: The Androgyne to Lobo's Masculine and Lobo's Feminine.
* Peek-a-Bangs: Liderc's hair covers half his face, more specifically the acid burns. He also fits the loner and deceptive aspects of this hairstyle.
* Platonic Life Partners: With Sophi, being one of the few people he's not constantly hostile to.
* Playing With Fire: As a Fotias, he has fire powers.
* The Proud Elite: By virtue of being a Long-Haired Pretty Boy and a noble.
* Punch-Clock Villain: In the Innerdimensional storyline, he really doesn't care about LunArc or Cora's plans, and instead works with them in exchange for ship repairs.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has red eyes and is either a villain or a very unpleasant piece of work.
* Technicolor Fire: Green flames, which is unusual in-universe.
Valione "Val"
* Angsty Surviving Twin: On Nemesis, she's currently still alive while Flint is dead.
* Berserk Button:
** Does not like being called "Valione."
** Vutezoth's existence, after he killed her brother.
* Bottomless Magazines: She doesn't need to reload her gun. Justified, as it's a magical weapon and doesn't use conventional ammo.
* Bust-Contrast Duo: The slender to Obsidian's busty.
* Cane Fu: Her gun is disguised as a cane with a dragon's head.
* Cold Sniper: Her usual characterization.
* Color-Coded Characters: Dark blue.
* Contralto of Danger: Her voice is quite deep, according to her writer.
* Cool Big Sis: Leanne thinks so.
* Dark-Skinned Blonde: Similar to Will.
* Dragon Ancestry: She's half-dragon pelt.
* Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Her armour is mostly purple.
* Half-Human Hybrid: She's the daughter of a male human and a female dragon pelt, although she clearly identifies more with her human half and can't transform.
* Lethal Chef: Can't cook anything more complicated than soup to save her life.
* Not So Stoic: While she's normally not very emotional, when Flint dies, she flips out and can't stop crying during his funeral.
* Of Corsets Sexy: Her default outfit has her wear what essentially amounts to an armoured corset.
* Only One Name: Downplayed. While she does have a last name, it's being withheld.
* Town Girls: The Femme to Leanne's Neither and Obsidian's Butch.
* Breath Weapon: Ice breath, to be exact.
* Color-Coded Characters: Dark purple.
* Hair Color Dissonance: His hair is supposed to be (mostly) dark brown, but is coloured a dull, dark purple.
* Half-Human Hybrid: He's half-human, although he identifies far more with his dragon half.
* An Ice Person: As mentioned above, he can breathe ice.
* Multicolored Hair: Mostly dark brown, with off-white tips.
* Nice Guy: His overall characterization at the end of the day.
* Only One Name: Downplayed.
* Our Dragons Are Different: He's a shapeshifter that can turn into a wyvern comparable in size to an elephant.
** Our Wyverns Are Different: He's still fully intelligent when he transforms, has no poison abilities, and breathes ice. This is typical of winter dragons.
* Supreme Chef: He's a good cook.
* To Serve Man: Flint has no issues with eating humans he doesn't like.
* Weredragon: As mentioned, he can transform into a dragon.
* Bust-Contrast Duo: The busty to Val's slender.
* Boobs of Steel: Has the largest bust of the Starless Skies cast, and is a physically powerful fighter.
* Color-Coded Characters: While she has an obvious white/red theme, her text is hot pink.
* Cunning Like A Fox: Obsidian is quite intelligent and cunning, despite her usual attitude.
* Foxy Vixen: She's quite attractive, and a fox lady on top of it all.
* Kitsune: She superficially resembles one when transformed, although she has no magical abilities.
* Literal Maneater: She eats humans, usually lulling them in.
* Magically Inept Fighter: Great physical strength and speed, and quite agile... but not a single ounce of magical skill.
* Multicolored Hair: Mostly white, with red around the tips and ends.
* Ms. Fanservice: She's quite attractive, and her clothing reveals her figure quite well.
* Obfuscating Stupidity: Pretends to be a hyperactive dumbass. Is quite the opposite of that. She rarely drops at least a bit of silliness at all times though.
* Outdoorsy Girl: Prefers to be outside. Justified, as she's a pelt.
* Town Girls: The Butch to Leanne's Neither and Val's Femme.
* Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She's afraid of fire.
Lark Mercury
* Eccentric Mentor: He's got a few screws loose, but he's still Leanne's teacher.
* Hermit Guru: Lives atop Mount Tsereve.
* The Mad Hatter: Isn't exactly what you'd call "sane," but aware of it and loving every moment.
* Mystical White Hair: This powerful mage has stark white hair.
* Purple is Powerful: His outfit is mostly purple, and he's by far the most powerful mage in the series.
* Star-Spangled Spandex: His cloak.
Tropes that apply to DanteMGalileo's writings
*Alien Invasion: The start of Nemesis has Paradiso invade Nexus.
*Alternative Calendar: The world of Purgatorio has a different calendar, as it starts on the equivalent of March 20.
*Blessed With Suck: Hemobonds, in a nutshell. Sure, you get a good deal of power, and the powers even pass down to your kids. The problem is that your lifespan is drastically cut. Which is also based down to your descendants. Whoops.
Tropes that apply to DanteMGalileo himself
*Sir Swears-a-Lot: Holy fucking shit.
* Word of Gay:
** Percy and Flint are bisexual.
** Will is demisexual.
** Leanne, Loba, and Lobo are asexual. Loba is additionally panromantic, while Lobo is additionally aromantic.
** Liderc and Obsidian are pansexual. Liderc is additionally aromantic.
** Val is polysexual.