Post by ParamountKeymaster on Apr 6, 2016 22:28:20 GMT -5
PO: :B Um... Th-Thank you... CA: You're very welcome! CA: Like I said, you'll make it through this. And never forget that there is always someone there to help you. CA: Myself included, even if I'm not there by your side. CA: Feel free to get in touch with me anytime! PO: :B O-Okay... PO: :B But, uh... PO: :B Why are you... helping me? CA: Because it's what I'm meant to do. CA: And because it's what I want to do. CA: Given that I am the Angel of Time, it shouldn't be surprising that I am fully aware of our interactions to come. CA: And I must say that I greatly enjoy them. CA: You're a wonderful person, Lagola. I mean that with all my heart. PO: :///B Um... CA: Sorry, that was probably hasty of me to say. This is the first time you've spoken to me, after all. PO: :B N-No no, it's okay... PO: :B You're... very nice. CA: Thank you! I do my best! CA: With that said, as long as you're there, promise me that you'll do your best too. CA: Because as I said, you are the best. PO: :B A-Alright... PO: :B I will.
Post by Pink Moon Wolf on Apr 6, 2016 23:49:36 GMT -5
MH: sErrIOUslY, wIll yOU jUst tAlk tO mE?! MH: It's nOt lIkE I wAs trrYIng tO kIll yOU OUt Of cOntEmpt! I wAs dOIng mY pArrt tO hElp yOU AdvAncE! MH: dOn't gEt All pIssY jUst bEcAUsE I'm trrYIng tO bE prrOgrrEssIvE! MH: It's nOt mY fAUlt yOU tUrrn IntO A blUbbErrIng mAss Of grrUb sAUce If yOU gEt sO mUch As A pApErr cUt! MH: Ahh f***...! MH: OnE mInUtE! whEn I gEt bAck, I ExpEct tO At lEAst hEArr A wImpY "OkAY" OUt Of yOU!
-majorHellhoud [MH] ceased trolling phantomOwsla [PO]-
-cirrostratusEmulsifier [CE] started trolling majorHellhound [MH]-
CE: Congratulations, dunderf***. CE: You've made everything worse. MH: grrEAt! bEcAUsE thIs Is *ExActlY* whAt I nEEdEd shOvEd dOwn mY prrOtEIn chUtE tOdAY! MH: On tOp Of All thE OthErr EvIdEntlY UsElEss f***Ing ArrOUnd I'vE dOnE, thIs shOUld bE A f***Ing lAUgh rrIOt! MH: sO! whAt'd thE b**** cOmE crrYIng tO yOU AbOUt thIs tImE?!
Ghetto Posta
The fervor, the fire, the feathers, this fever defies measure.
Posts: 126
Post by jessie on Apr 7, 2016 0:12:02 GMT -5
Oh, of course he had to reply. So this was happening now.
MH: grrEAt! bEcAUsE thIs Is *ExActlY* whAt I nEEdEd shOvEd dOwn mY prrOtEIn chUtE tOdAY! MH: On tOp Of All thE OthErr EvIdEntlY UsElEss f***Ing ArrOUnd I'vE dOnE, thIs shOUld bE A f***Ing lAUgh rrIOt! MH: sO! whAt'd thE b**** cOmE crrYIng tO yOU AbOUt thIs tImE?! CE: Whatever you get shoved down your protein chute, you deserve. CE: She didn't even come to me, I had to find out what had been going on all by myself. CE: Do you ever think? CE: As in, past the first thought that pops into your think pan. Do you ever mull over your actions and realize, hey, maybe I shouldn't do this? CE: Do you have any awareness of concepts like unity, or teamwork, or cooperation? CE: Might be something to meditate on.
Post by ParamountKeymaster on Apr 7, 2016 9:52:56 GMT -5
CA: Thank you, Lagola. CA: Like I said, I'll be right here if you need to get in touch with me. Anytime, anywhere. CA: For now, though, perhaps you would consider contacting Cortem. CA: I'm afraid Kamulo is a little tied up at the moment, but I know he'd be willing to help. PO: :B Oh... PO: :B Alright then... PO: :B Th-Thanks for the tip... CA: You're welcome. CA: I'll stick around if you want to talk some more. CA: Don't be afraid to ask for help. Not just from me, but from your teammates. PO: :B Okay.
For a moment, Lagola just stared blankly at the screen. She still wasn't sure who this Angel of Time fellow was, but he certainly had a way with words. It was fair to say that she was feeling significantly calmer. Even slightly more confident. It was just... strange to have been found by someone so caring and considerate. It made her feel... safe. Loved. Such was a feeling she had not experienced in a long, long time.
Sirion's conversation was right there... Lagola quickly closed that window without reading a word of those condescending blue lines.
Trusting his word, Lagola opened up a new window, shakily starting up a conversation with Cortem.
-phantomOwsla [PO] started trolling carnageHarbinger [CH]-
Post by Pink Moon Wolf on Apr 7, 2016 11:30:57 GMT -5
MH: Oh sUrrE! *I'm* thE clOsE-mIndEd OnE! MH: hAs It OccUrrrrEd tO yOU hOw mAnY tImEs wE'vE bEEn scrrEwEd OvErr bEcAUsE thE brrAt wOUldn't dO hErr jOb?! MH: dOEs It sEEm fAIrr tO thE rrEst Of Us thAt thIs gAmE gAvE thE UltrrA-ImpOrrtAnt tImE rrOlE tO A wIgglErr scArrEd Of hErr Own shAdOw?! MH: dId It EvEn crrOss yOUrr thInk pAn fOrr A mIllIsEcOnd thAt I dId thIs fOrr hErr?! And fOrr thE tEAm?! MH: I'm trrYIng tO hElp! MH: I knOw, rrIght?! gOd fOrrbId! MH: bEcAUsE Of mE, wE hAvE A rrOgUE Of tImE! MH: bEcAUsE Of mE, shE hAs All thE pOwErr shE nEEds tO hElp Us wIn And gAIn sOmE f***Ing sElf-wOrrth! MH: yA sEE?! tEAmwOrrk! cOOpErrAtIOn! All thAt mUsclEbEAst s***!
Ghetto Posta
The fervor, the fire, the feathers, this fever defies measure.
Posts: 126
Post by jessie on Apr 7, 2016 18:13:55 GMT -5
CE: Oh, you only meant well. Of course, my apologies. Since you only meant the best, that makes what you did just fin9!!!!!!!!! CE: The roa9 to h9ll is paved with good int9nti9ns. CE: And you sure did a bang-up job of helping, too. CE: Thank you S9 MUCH for mentally scarring our teammate, whose role is piv9t9l t9 th9 g9m9. CE: Thank you for debilitating our Time pl9y9r. Where would we be with9ut y9ur hel9? CE: What do you think the Tim9 as9ect entails? 9ray t9ll. Sh9 could go back right n9w to fix those "issu9s", but now sh9 hasn't, possi9ly 9ut 9f SPITE. CE: But I'm sure you did y9ur best. CE: The game may scr9w us over, but it still f9ll9ws its 9wn internal rul9s. It kn9w wh9t it was doin9. CE: Your impatience will be the death of us all, Siri9n.
Post by ParamountKeymaster on Apr 7, 2016 18:37:57 GMT -5
CH: \|/H0A \|/H0A \|/H0A...! CH: Y0U SERI0US, GIRL? 0_0 PO: :B Uh-huh... CH: JESUS... CH: I /|\EAN... IT'S RAD THAT Y0U'RE A G0D TIER N0\|/, BUT... CH: G** DA/|\N, THERE HAD T0 BE A BETTER \|/AY T0 /|\AKE THAT HAPPEN. CH: \|/E'RE ALREADY F*** DEEP IN /|\ADBALL SHENANIGANS, \|/E D0N'T NEED T0 BE F***IN EACH 0THER 0VER 0N T0P 0F THAT! CH: S0RRY... SIRI DIDN'T /|\ESS Y0U UP T00 BADLY, DID HE? PO: :B I guess not... PO: :B I-I mean... I'm still alive... right? CH: YEAH, THAT'S G0TTA C0UNT F0R S0/|\ETHING. CH: N0 S\|/EAT. I'/|\ SURE HE'S G0NNA HAVE HELL T0 PAY \|/HEN QUIL FINDS 0UT \|/HAT HAPPENED. PO: :B Yeah...' PO: :B So... PO: :B Um... CH: \|/AZZUP? CH: IF YA NEED HELP, I'/|\ D0\|/N. I PR0/|\ISE.
Post by Pink Moon Wolf on Apr 7, 2016 19:05:33 GMT -5
MH: wEll ExcUsE mE, b****! MH: I dOn't sEE AnYOnE ElsE trrYIng to sOlvE thE prrOblEm! MH: yOU cAn gIvE hErr All thE hUgs And swEEt tAlk yOU wAnt, bUt fAcE It! It's nOt gOnnA chAngE AnYthIng! MH: shE'll jUst kEEp cOwErrIng In thE cOrrnErr, rrEfUsIng tO chAngE! MH: nOt bEcAUsE shE cAn't chAngE, bUt bEcAUsE shE's tOO stUbOrrn tO! MH: lIkE shE's pAssIvE-AggrrEssIvEly ImplYIng thAt shE's bEttErr thAn yOU fOrr plAYIng sAfE And nEvErr tAkIng rrIsks! MH: lEt's bE rrEAL hErrE! thErrE ArrE fArr mOrrE dAngErrOUs thIngs OUt thErrE thAn mE! thIngs thAt wOUld wAnt tO sEE hErr dEAd fOrr rrEAl! MH: hOw cOUld shE hAvE pOssIblY stOOd A chAncE AgAInst thEm If I hAdn't hElpEd hErr?! MH: b**** hAs to tOUghEn Up And fIght hErr Own bAttlEs! yOU cAn't prrOtEct hErr frrOm EvErrYthIng! MH: And bY thAt I mean "tAke A hInt, yOU trrAnspArrEnt b****! shE dOEsn't lIkE yOU lIkE thAt!"
Ghetto Posta
The fervor, the fire, the feathers, this fever defies measure.
Posts: 126
Post by jessie on Apr 7, 2016 23:26:46 GMT -5
CE: Don't you dare presume to know how I f99l. CE: You're not even listening to me. This is going nowhere. CE: I can do way more productive things with my time than sit here and try to get this easy concept through your bugwinged think pan. CE: But don't think this is over. CE: I will make certain that everyone knows what you've done. And I would bet real boondollars that they'll agree with me. CE: Enjoy your last moments of comfort.
-- cirrostratusEmulsifier ceased trolling majorHellhound --
Just... Fuck that guy. Kamulo couldn't believe she let that moron get her sidetracked for so long. Lagola was waiting, and... whatever. Just, expel all irritation from the mind. Sirion could not get under her skin. He didn't bother her. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out, forcing herself to calm down, before slipping into her recuperacoon and going back to sleep.
The swap had left some of her anger behind, thank goodness. But there was a prickling in her eyes, bewilderingly, and she rubbed her blue-stained tears away, hopefully before Lagola saw them. She'd never criticize someone else for crying, but when it was herself, she felt like a wiggler.
Post by ParamountKeymaster on Apr 8, 2016 0:01:21 GMT -5
"A'ight, so just relax and we'll-"
Simultaneously, Lagola and the sprite amalgam of Cortem's lusus and dream self looked up and noticed Kamulo's dream self coming to. After getting over the initial shock, Lagola was filled with dread. "K-Kamulo! I-I'm sorry, I..."
"Uh, heheh... Hey, Kam," Cortemsprite casually greeted her, raising a hand in a lazy wave. "Didn't mean to make things even more cray-cray. Just figured I'd help Laggie get back to her crib... Might be easier if I did, to be real with ya, no offense..."
Lagola just stared at the ground and rubbed her neck, ashamed by the drama that her one real act of hastiness had led to.
Post by Pink Moon Wolf on Apr 9, 2016 22:35:11 GMT -5
MH: yEAh, yEAh, lEt's sEE jUst whO's In AgrrEEmEnt whEn yOU rrEAlIzE I'm thE OnE whO sAvEd All yOUrr sOrrrrY nOOks frrOm OblIvIOn! MH: bUt whAtEvErr! gO pAmpErr yOUrr prrEcIOUs lIttlE wIgglErr! sEE whAt gOOd It dOEs! MH: t^>n<^t
-majorHellhoud [MH] started trolling phantomOwsla [PO]-
MH: sErrIOUslY, rrUnt! dOn't lEAvE mE hAngIng!
Ghetto Posta
The fervor, the fire, the feathers, this fever defies measure.
Posts: 126
Post by jessie on Apr 11, 2016 0:31:48 GMT -5
She looked between the two of them, at a loss for words. What? Why was Lagola freaking out? Well, in a different way than normal. It took Kamulo, as usual, a little too long to put the pieces together.
"Oh, no, no!" She laughed for the sole purpose of lightening the mood, and got up from the ground. "No, I'm not, um, upset, I just- you know, you wake up and your eyes water? I'm fine. Everything's fine." Her demeanor was positively bubbly, hints that she was lying would be hard to find.
She smiled serenely in the direction of the new addition. "It's good to see you, Cortem. I don't mind that plan at all. Honestly, it's leagues better than mine. We were gonna go search through the Queen's quarters, look for some map, which who knows if it even exists, and then... I don't even know. I didn't think that far. Point is, it would've taken hours. This is much better!"
She wasn't going to lie to herself, she would've loved being by Lagola's side through the whole ordeal. But the facts were that this was better for everyone, and she wasn't going to throw some fit about it. Actually, she was entirely at peace with this. And Lagola did this all by herself? Maybe Sirion was a little right, though that didn't change her opinion of him and his actions.
"Lagola. It was a really good idea to contact Cortem. Good job." Did that sound patronizing? Hopefully not, ugh. She, sort of awkwardly, hugged Lagola briefly, as she was sure the departure was impending. "Get back safe, you two. Oh, um, the only detractor is, I kind of wore myself out topside? So I'll be asleep for a while. I'm fine hanging out on Prospit, though!"
Post by ParamountKeymaster on Apr 11, 2016 10:14:23 GMT -5
"W-Well... I mean... I-It's not that your idea was bad. I just... I..." Lagola lazily slumped into Kamulo's embrace, forlornly staring at nothing. "I got nervous... and I guess impatient. I-I'm grateful for your help, of course... I-I don't want to make you feel unappreciated after e-everything you've done. But... I-I'm sorry, I..."
"Hey now." Cortemsprite patted Lagola on the head. "It's cool, Laggie. Ain't nobody done nothin' wrong."
"'Ain't nobody done no...?'" Lagola repeated under her breath, baffled by the sprite's triple negative.
"To be fair, Kam's idea sounded like it would've been a pretty dope adventure. But... yeah, you're pretty adventured out. It's high time you get back to your hive and chill for a beat."
"Although... I can't help but ask but... Since you're god tier now, can't you fly?"
Of course he had to ask. Cortem had asked the same thing over Trollian. To that, Lagola's only response was a terrified frown.
"I-It's no biggie, Lag. Sorry. Just curious. Ya don't gotta worry 'bout that."
Ghetto Posta
The fervor, the fire, the feathers, this fever defies measure.
Posts: 126
Post by jessie on Apr 12, 2016 10:33:57 GMT -5
Oh, that was right, Lagola had that fear. Kamulo shoved down her psychoanalytical desires in favor of not being a total weirdo right now. She was a bit thrown off as Lagola latched onto her, having meant the hug be brief. Well, if Lagola was the one hugging her, then it was fine. She smoothed down Lagola's hair with a hand, but only once. "It's like I said. It's all okay. You did a good job, Lagola. The whole point was to get you back, right? And Cortem can get you there faster, right?"
Her arms were loosely about Lagola's ribs, a light hold that Lagola could break any time. "I would've been more than happy to see you through to the end. But I'm not upset when I can see this is a better plan. Besides, I don't think, physically, I would've been able to make it..." She suppressed a shudder at the memory of the cold of the void. Would she die from that? The dream self is as fragile as the waking self, but the dream self can get up to some weird shenanigans. She wasn't willing to further test the theory.
"But, in the end, at least," oh um 'you confided in me' is probably a bit too on the nose "I got to help at all. And that's what matters. You have friends who will help you, okay?" That last little proverb was kind of pulled out of her spinal crevice, but she feels like she saved it. Nice.
Post by ParamountKeymaster on Apr 12, 2016 14:51:01 GMT -5
CA: Like I said, you'll make it through this. And never forget that there is always someone there to help you.
"I-I know... Thank you." One last nuzzle, then Lagola backed away from Kamulo, giving her the tiniest attempt at a smile that she could manage. Let no one say that she wasn't grateful.
"'ppreciate it, Kam," Cortemsprite offered as he lowered himself for Lagola. "Rest easy. Er'rything's gonna be alright."
Lagola nodded and shakily climbed onto the sprite's back, struggling to adjust between his wings. Then she looked between the two, more than ready for some relief.